DIY Blogs

Storing Away the Holidays: Tips and Tricks

It's all fun and games decorating for the holidays, but when it comes to storing the decorations for next year that familiar sense of dread from last year's holiday cleanup fills our heads once more. Most of the time, it's tempting to just throw everything together in a box and deal with untangling lights and throwing away broken ornaments the next year, but there are easier ways to store decorations without the long-awaited hassle for next time. 

Easy Appetizers for Your 2022 New Years Eve Party!

It's almost time to ring in the New Year! If you've decided to host a party, getting the menu figured out is an easy thing to check off your party planning list. Here are a few easy and delicious appetizers to consider!

5 Kid-Friendly Dishes Your Kids are Going to Love this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time we gather with friends and family to reflect on all we have to be thankful for. This usually means there's going to be a kid or two attending Thanksgiving dinner. Some parents skate through life without a picky eater, but the rest of us aren't so lucky. Try out a few of these recipes that your kids are going to devour this holiday season!

Creative Charcuterie Board Ideas For Your Next Fall Gathering

As the leaves change color and a chill creeps in, the best way to celebrate the new season is a get-together with friends or family. To feed your guests, we recommend a classic charcuterie spread, updated for fall. The name of the charcuterie board game is combination; each component should mesh with the others, so choose complimentary flavors. Below are some tips and ideas to get you started.

3 Fun Lunchbox Ideas For Back-To-School

It's that time of year again! The first few weeks of a new school year can be very stressful for kids. New friends, new teachers and lots of new things to learn. But lunchtime gives your kiddos a break from their busy day, and a chance to catch their breath. Why not bring a smile to their faces when they open their lunchbox?  Here are some great ideas to turn tried-and-true favorites into a guaranteed smile for your little ones!

Three Incredible (and Incredibly) Easy Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

There's nothing better on a hot summer evening than a bowl of ice cream. Everyone has not only a favorite flavor, but also fond memories of enjoying a bowl or a cone during summers gone by. It's a quintessential summer dessert, and somehow getting it homemade made it even better. It seems, though, that homemade ice cream was a treat reserved for special occasions, because of the work that went into it. You had to have the right equipment and all the ingredients, including the rock salt and someone willing to churn the handle. There are, of course, electric churns, but that is still not something that everyone has. No-churn ice cream is just as good, though, and almost absurdly simple. Here's a few recipes to try.

Easy 4th of July Crafts

It is time to do a little patriotic crafting with your family since the 4th of July is right around the corner.  So, grab your red, white, and blue craft supplies and get ready to embrace your inner patriot. From firework shaped confetti poppers to rockets and flags, there are loads of easy patriotic crafts to keep little ones entertained and decorate your home with some meaningful symbols before Independence day is here.

How to Keep Weeds out of Your Lawn and Landscaping

Weeds can be an eyesore on your manicured, landscaped lawns. Keeping weeds away is key to having the yard you've dreamed of. With some simple steps, you can reduce weed growth in your lawn. FOUR TIPS FOR KEEPING WEEDS AWAY These tips and tricks are perfect for keeping your outdoor...