5 Fun Earth Day Activities For Kids

5 Fun Earth Day Activities For Kids

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year, and offers an ideal opportunity for us to stop and appreciate this beautiful planet that we live on. Started in 1970 in order to educate people on environmental issues, Earth Day reminds us how important it is to take care of this planet, not only on this designated day of celebration, but every day. Here are five fun ways to get your kids involved on Earth Day this year.

Get outside

kids in wagon outside

In an age where technology rules the day, make a point to get outside and play! Let your kids fall in love with nature and this green planet they live on. This could be a fun night for a picnic in the park. Load up a wagon or pack a backpack with your supplies and leave the car at home. Bring reusable dishes and utensils and make a commitment to eat sustainably this year.

Start a butterfly garden

fairy garden

Stay connected with nature by creating a butterfly garden. Pollinators are essential for our longevity here on earth. Start a garden at home that will attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. This is a project that you can create on a large or small scale. Container gardens are a great option when space is limited. A fun way to engage your kids and make learning fun is to turn your butterfly garden into a magical fairy garden, which can be as varied as the imagination allows.

Make a biodegradable bird feeder

acorn bird feeder

This is a great lesson on reusing and recycling what we have, and creating a bird feeder is a project that kids of all ages will enjoy. One of the simplest ways to make a bird feeder is with an acorn, peanut butter, and some bird seed. Simply coat the acorn with peanut butter and then roll in birdseed. Use some twine to hang your bird feeder in a nearby tree and watch in amazement as birds fly in to get a bite.

Clean up your community

recycle trash

Litter is something that each and every one of us can help resolve. Start with your own neighborhood. Walk down your street and pick up any trash that you see. Keeping our communities clean is an important step in addressing our pollution problem.

Make a family pledge

family circle all hands in

This Earth Day, make a family commitment to turn off lights, unplug appliances, recycle, take shorter showers and conserve water, and use reusable totes at the grocery store. These simple changes will make a huge impact in preserving our planet.

This Earth Day, educate your kids on the importance of taking care of our planet, and create lifelong habits that will encourage your kids to appreciate this natural world that we live in.